• singaporeintlschool@gmail.com
  • +8801974734252

Application Process

Application Process

-        Parents may call or visit our campuses or website for detailed information

-        Parents can obtain the prescribed admission form from the admission office or via email upon request

-        Admission Office will accept admission applications with the following required documents as specified below:



1. Admission Form

Parent has to fill up the required details to complete the admission form.

5 Complete Admission Form

(form to be completed by inked pen, true and correct information must be stated in the form).

5 Colour Photographs to be pasted

(recently taken Passport size photos of applicant, parents and/or guardians to be pasted in designated area).



2. Documents

5 A photocopy of applicant’s Birth Certificate

5 Parents / Guardian’s business or name card

5 A photocopy of applicant’s Passport’s pages (for foreign national’s only)

(photocopy the pages where the applicant’s personal particulars and valid visa are mentioned).



3. Colour Photos (Additional recent photos required beside application form)

5 Student’s 3 copies of  Stamp Size photographs

(one for Student’s ID card and others for classroom use)


5 Student’s 3 copies Passport Size photographs*

(required for Gate Pass, others for office use)


5 Parents 3 copies Passport Size photographs** for each

(required for Gate Pass, others for office use)


5 Guardian 3 copies Passport Size photographs**

(required for Gate Pass, others for office use)



4. Related Fees

          All required fees to be settled to complete the admission process


NB :  *  Students photographs must be in proper school uniform.

** Student’s name, class and relation (in case of parents/guardian) must be written on the reverse part of each submitted photograph.