Education Process

Our Pre-school

Our Pre-school
Our teaching team comprises fully qualified and experienced teachers to support our curriculum. Each class of pre-school has a maximum number of twenty students supervised by a single class-teacher who is assisted by another co-teacher.
Nursery Level: This level child will go through two years foundation stage of their education. Play Group and Nursery is designed to spend a year in each stage.
ClassAge LimitSchool HoursRecess
Play Group2 to 3+ years8:30 am to 11:00 am30 mins
Nursery3+ to 4+ years8:30 am to 12:00 noon30 mins
Children at this stage will be given a firm foundation in characteristic of English Language and Numeric numbers with the parallel classes of Nursery Rhymes in English.

They will also learn key listening, reading and comprehension skill while having lots of fun with audio-visual and art craft. Nursery onwards pupils will be taught how to be self-disciplined as well.
Kindergarten Level: This level is categorised in two stages as well Kindergarten-1 & Kindergarten-2, each stage is designed one full year of education.
ClassAge LimitSchool HoursRecess
Kindergarten-1(KG-1)4+ to 5+ years8:30 am to 1:00 pm30 mins
Kindergarten-2(KG-2)5+ to 6+ years8:30 am to 1:00 pm30 mins
Children will learn to read and spell 2, 3 and even 4 syllable words! Write sentences, paragraphs, book reviews, picture compositions, short stories, poems and riddles in English while having lot of fun with interesting writing crafts and audio-visual activities. Children in Kindergarten-2 will be given firm foundation in Bengali language characters. In addition to the above children will also be introduced to Arabic in this level.

Children will also learn name of the months and days in Bengali and English and also simple addition, subtraction, multiplication. In this level they will learn advance stage of colouring, matching and creative ideas of making things learn about timing and time management.

Primary education

Primary education
At the primary level, pupils go through a six-year education stage, from Primary One to Six.
All pupils at this stage will follow a common curriculum, which provides them with a firm foundation in English (Language and Literature) and Bengali Language, Mathematics, Science, Arabic and Islamic Studies and Computing. Also included in the curriculum are subjects such as Geography, History, Art & Crafts, Music, Health Education, and Social Studies.
In lower -primary individual subject teachers take particular lessons and a full-time co-teacher assists them during the lesson.
LevelClassAge LimitSchool HoursRecess
Standard-16+ to 7+ years8:30 am to 1:20 pm
Lower PrimaryStandard-27+ to 8+ years8:30 am to 1:20 pm30 mins
Standard-38+ to 9+ years8:30 am to 2:00 pm
In upper-primary levels a single subject is handled by a single teacher
LevelClassAge LimitSchool HoursRecess
Standard-49+ to 10+ years
Upper PrimaryStandard-510+ to 11+ years8:30 am to 2:00 pm30 mins
Standard-611+ to 12+ years
Pupils will learn the intricacies of writing better introductions, more original storylines and more systematic conclusions through vocabulary development, grammar mastery, systematic planning, plot development as well as editing techniques and all while having lots of fun with interesting themes, inspiring topics and relevant activities.
Pupils are also encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities such as Debate, Listening Comprehension, Oral Skills etc and to computer and computer-aided learning.

Secondary education

Secondary education

At the secondary level, pupils undergo four years of secondary education. In secondary levels a single subject is handled by a single teacher.

In lower -primary individual subject teachers take particular lessons and a full-time co-teacher assists them during the lesson.
LevelClassAge LimitSchool HoursRecess
Standard-712+ to 13+ years8:30 am to 2:10 pm
SecondaryStandard-813+ to 14+ years8:30 am to 1:30 pm30 mins
Standard-914+ to 15+ years8:30 am to 1:30 pm
Standard-1015+ to 16+ years8:30 am to 1:30 pm

Pupils in the Normal (Academic) course offer English and Bengali Language, English and Bengali Literature, Mathematics, Science, Accounting, History, Geography, Literature in English, Visual Arts, Design and Technology, Civics and Moral Education, Physical Education and Music.

At the end of secondary education, students will sit for the Ordinary Level examination. So the preparation starts from the very beginning of this level. The curriculum is developed mainly by focusing on the aspects necessary to guide the students for the examination. Regular assessments will continue throughout this level and Mock Tests will follow these assessments during the last two levels of secondary education. We aim to prepare the students to reach the highest during these very vital and delicate stages of learning.