Admission Regulations
Our Admission Regulations
Our Admission Regulations
Eligibility / Registration Requirements
The minimum entry requirements for registration are as follows: –
- Pupil who meet the age limit of the academic level.
- Pupil who are mentally and physically fit for the academic level of entry.
- Parents who is willing to admit their child by abiding the school’s rules and regulations.
Validity of Registration
The registration will not be valid if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
- Pupils successfully completes an academic level.
- The relevant time limit expires.
- The pupil / parents inform that he/she wishes to withdraw from the school.
- Who is asked to leave the school?
- Whose monthly tuition and other fees is irregular and overdue for 45 days without any approval/notification.
- Any statement made by the parents/ pupil in their admission or registration application, is shown / proved false.
Pupils and parents are in general expected to abide by the following rules strictly as daily basis to maintain their studentship with us.
School Uniform
You are advised to make sure that your child/ward is coming to school with clean, proper school uniform with student’s ID card.
Drop & Pickup at School Premises
As a part to maintain school discipline, we would like to request our parents to drop off your child/ward at the MAIN GATE of the school premises, also advised to record drop and pick up time (preschool pupils) in the log/record book provided near the main gate.
Parents or authorised person to show‘Gate Pass’ while fetching their child / ward. Parents/guardians are advised NOT to enter the school building unless they have some official matters to settle.
Since attendance is extremely important, especially during the school years, to the academic growth of children and the development of positive attitudes toward school. Parents/guardians need to make every effort to have their children attend school on a daily basis.
All pupils must attend all kinds of assessment(s) process arranged during the course of study.
We require a Medical Certificate / Written Excuse or note from parent / guardians stating the reason(s) for absences, which is due on the first day back to school.
Pupils must be punctual to arrive in the school and to attend assembly. To attend assembly is compulsory. Assembly is scheduled for Kindergarten-I & II and all Primary and Secondary level pupils. Pupils should take all measures to arrive at school at least 10 min before the assembly starting time.
Pupils arriving after the above mentioned time will be considered late for the school.
Tuition and Transport fees
All tuition and transport fees should be paid within the first 7 days of every month. If the 7th falls on schedule/unscheduled holidays such as weekly, public holidays or any kind of political/nonpolitical strike then fees should be settled before that date.
- Fees are calculated as academic year basis, respected parents are advised to pay the amount without taking consideration of any yearly vacation or holidays or political/nonpolitical strike/blockades.
- Late payment fine of Taka 50/- will be calculated individually for each day of delay from 8th calendar day.
- Failure to payany/all dues amount within 45 days will result in termination of the student’s admission.
Drop & Pickup at School Premises
As a part to maintain school discipline, we would like to request our parents to drop off your child/ward at the MAIN GATE of the school premises, also advised to record drop and pick up time (preschool pupils) in the log/record book provided near the main gate.
Parents or authorised person to show ‘Gate Pass’ while fetching their child / ward. Parents/guardians are advised NOT to enter the school building unless they have some official matters to settle.
Release of Students
According to the school policy, children may be released from school to authorized persons ONLY. Each year, parents will be asked to designate, in writing, any persons who are so authorized. When your child needs to leave school during the day for any reason, such as a doctor’s appointment, you MUST come to the Main Office to sign him/her out. If returning the same day, it is necessary to sign in. It is always helpful to send a note to the teacher with this information as well. Schools are busy places and we need to know where each child is at all times.
- Campus 01 : Sector 11, Road 05/A, House 30/A, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
- Campus 02: House # 32, Road # 28, Sector # 7, Dhaka-1230
- Campus 3 Sector # 7, Road # 32, House # 1, Uttara
- 800 388 80 90
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